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Celebrating December Holidays with Twenty|20

It’s shaping up to be a wonderful holiday, not your normal average every day! December is the month of all months. It’s filled to the brim with holiday cheer and winter festivities. There are so many celebrations taking place this month. Come along with us and learn about all the incredible celebrations taking place in Cambridge, MA and the world this December.
Hanukkah: While the dates change every year, in 2023 this Jewish celebration takes place from Thursday eveing December 7th – Friday, December 15th. A traditional part of the holiday is the lighting of a special candle each night, called a Menorah. Done in the memory of an ancient miracle.
Winter Solstice: The shortest day and longest night of the year, taking place on Thursday, December 21st. Marking the start of winter, and celebrated with parties and traditions around the world.
Christmas: A religious holiday that takes place on December 25th every year. In the US, the day is securely celebrated with gift-giving and time with family. With traditions including- Christmas trees, music, and food.
Kwanzaa: A sacred time for those to honor and celebrate African American culture. Including the ideals of family life, unity, and coming together. Taking place from December 26th through January 1st.
New Year’s Eve: Celebrate the start of a new year! Spend the night with those you love and welcome in the fresh start of 2024!
Twenty|20 wishes you a happy holiday season!