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How to Pull Off a Last-Minute Vacation

If you think it’s too late to start planning a summer vacation, think again. If you’re both flexible and efficient, you can still steal off to a far-off (or nearby) destination before Labor Day. Just follow these expert tips to pull off the summer vacay of your dreams.
First things first: figure out airfare. If you’re planning on going somewhere that requires a flight, start by searching for deals on airfare. You might actually pick your destination depending on the cost of a flight. Check out travel websites or go directly to airlines’ websites to see if they’re running any specials and if any of the highlighted spots appeal to your interests.
Think about where you want to go, but don’t get locked into a single destination. If you’re not into the idea of choosing a destination randomly, start by coming up with a few potential ideas. Then scour the internet for deals on travel to those specific destinations. If you allow for some flexibility when it comes to the dates you fly, you should be able to score a deal even with a more limited scope, destination-wise.
Try a road trip. Don’t want to deal with booking flights at all? Opt for a vacation spot that’s within driving distance. Not only will taking a road trip save you some money, but it will also probably save you some time. Even if you’re on the road for a while, you won’t have to deal with getting to and from the airport, getting through security, and doing everything else that eats up time during air travel. That leaves you more time to relax!
Ask an expert for assistance. Maybe the idea of taking on one more thing stresses you out. If this is the case, don’t skip your vacation entirely, just ask for some help! A good travel agent will be able to take care of all the planning for you and find the best deals along the way.
8 Tips for Planning a Last-Minute Vacation [Islands]
5 Tips for Booking a Last-Minute Vacation [Reader’s Digest]
5 Tips for Booking Last Minute Travel [Forbes]